Have you ever had “spiritual download”?  That unique spark of an idea appears out of the blue…
I love receiving downloads from the Universe.  It usually happens when I move around doing non-work related stuff (walking, cleaning my wardrobes, sitting under a tree listening to music, etc.).  Then Bam!  Some wild creative ideas pour into my brain cells like getting an injection without hurting (weird analogy, I know. Lol).  It leaves me feeling joyful, light, curious, and pure WOW!   

On the contrary, there are also times when I receive the total opposite, like being hit by a “Divine 2 x 4”.  It can feel like a baby got her first electric shock, not to the point of causing major injury, but impactful enough to freeze on the spot.  Immediately getting sucked into emotional turmoil makes me feel like I am losing my cool, out of control and trapped.  Practicing detachment or distraction to check out from the situation does not always work for me (believe me, I try many times, lol).  

So, if you are a highly sensitive individual like me, I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned recently when it comes to sailing through tough, vulnerable period.   

1. Don’t jump right into fixing

Even if you feel like you are acting out of your character, it’s ok Not to jump right into your “toolbox” and start FIXing.  I realize that it’s not always about FIXING.  And what’s ironic is that sometimes there is nothing to be fixed. The more we try to fix, the more complicated we are making the situation than it needs to be.   

Where you are is perfect, even if you don’t feel like it.   Most of us live in the mainstream society where we have to “watch out” for slightest glitches and provide immediate solutions to feel secure and in control.  But, is it just a deeply ingrained fear in us that we are afraid to feel weak or not being strong enough?  

Most of us try so hard to “get somewhere” without realizing that there is no “place” that is more perfect than Here.  Being a human throughout this lifetime, we are meant to encounter TONS of circumstances that are designed to teach us what we need to learn.  We are not meant to Skip or Fast Track.  

When we are willing to breathe first and give ourselves the permission to say, “Hey, you know what, that’s the way it’s supposed to be/happen,” then we actively learn to release our ego from over-powering and redirect ourselves to understand the juicy lessons behind each scene.  And you bet, we are offered with plenty of opportunities to practice.  :))     

While writing this, I’m also reminding myself that it’s safe for us to feel vulnerable.  Developing and growing ourselves is all good, but when we are efforting to fix things to stay flawless 24/7, it is just inhuman.  Where you are is perfect.  Let’s unlearn the repairing mindset because who we are is good enough, we are not a broken machine.  

Be extra gentle with yourself especially when life throws you a curveball.  Before making any major move to snap out of the situation, it’s ok to take a pause and feel into yourself with total honesty first:  

What is needed to be looked at here (before rushing into anything)?

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.  – Soren Kierkegaard

2. Throwing a pity party with Self-Respect

As you know, we are constantly evolving.  Once in a while, we might still catch ourselves playing a victim role, and we feel awful for not being “conscious enough” to switch out of our role-play.  

“OMG!  You should’ve snapped yourself out of the victim mode ASAP!  It’s going to lower your vibration if you still get yourself stuck like this!”  

I get it, I’ve been there many times. Lol.  Again, here comes the real trap of turning from Mindfulness to MindFULLness.  We can get very clingy to the solution-based mindset because we think we can operate wonderfully from a place of “know-how” rather than trusting the process and surrender to how we feel. 

When we start “labeling” things in black or white, good or bad, should or shouldn’t, we only create more separation within ourselves.  

If throwing a pity party has a negative connotation to you, I’d like to invite you to look at it as an opportunity to create a healthy space to acknowledge different emotional layers we are experiencing during the intense period without judging it.   

Sure, we don’t want to celebrate the pity party for too long and simmer ourselves in the muddiness.  But understand that it’s perfectly fine Not to figure everything out, even if you feel like you are sitting in the hot burning flame…  It’s a sensitive period that you might want to stay alone to process the happenings without too much outside influence.  Of course, You can still reach out to a dear friend or loved one who can make you feel fully safe and supported physically (e.g., a real human hug is soothing).  Going through emotional turmoil can be difficult.   Being willing to feel your raw feelings takes courage and patience.  But it is such an honorable act when you choose to witness yourself through it.  By accepting where we are at each stage in our life is a true form of self-respect.  :))  

3. Every day is your birthday!  Celebrate and Receive!

To me, it’s not just a good-to-know concept.  The idea came to me vividly when I was running on the treadmill one morning.  For a brief second, I burst out laughing and thought it felt kind of dorky. Lol.   

But when I went deeper, I bowed down to the wisdom of this downloaded message.   From that day on, I started counting the number of days I have existed on this planet earth.

Just like having a business trip back in my corporate years, I used to count days when traveling to any foreign country.  

Why don’t I look at my life as a biz trip too?

Allowing myself to count the days forward has brought me several benefits. 

  • Even more Grateful: Each Breath creates our Experience

We know the importance of meditation that helps us to stay connected in the present moment.  And counting the days we’ve been living up to Today can add extra significance on the irreplaceability of this particular 24 hours while moving through the timeline.  Even though our yesterday might feel so similar to today in terms of dealing with the same issues, people or emotions, imagine each breath we are taking into our body is actually a “different batch of air,” which not only sustains us but allows each new experience to come through.  Even if your next 24 hours might be a crazy, turbulent one, trust that your breath will never abandon you by cutting the oxygen supply off.  Literally, we are consuming air at an All-You-Can-Breathe buffet, Free of charge too (for now, lol)!   

Today, I am celebrating my DAY 15,198.  And this unique Day number will never come back for the rest of my life, and that is a fact. So, I choose to honor and embrace all the ups’ and down’s I’m here to experience.  And I choose to enjoy the energy of what this particular day has to offer to me without holding back.     

  • Be Receptive:  Looking at each daily event as a unique birthday present.
We are here to receive gifts every day!  How exciting is that?  Right, there will be gifts that you personally like or dislike (perceived by your naked eye), but learning how to switch on your pure RECEIVER mindset without trying to control or hold on to any form of expectation can be a healing art.  
Say, if there’s a major “Birthday Gift” that triggers or irritates you in any way that you would rather not receive, start asking:

Which part of me is not surrendering, (your name)?  

p.s. It’s ok not to accept things that are too hard to swallow when the moment gets way challenging for you to handle, but I invite you to open up and ask yourself:  

What does holding on to my current thoughts (or beliefs) serve me or others in any way?  

When we resist seeing things from different perspectives, we only prolong our pain that causes inevitable suffering in the long run.  Instead, recognize that we have the power to choose to view things differently that liberates us to create fewer obstacles but more opportunities.   
When you are going through tough times, and feel being stretched intensely, stay reminded:
We are only given what we can handle.  We are sailing through the waves together!

So, which Day are you on this planet Earth TODAY, Beloved?  Bust out your calculator to find out!

Sending you so much love from my end!


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