Grow 2 Glow Mission
Some may think mission statement sounds too far fetched, impractical or too ideal. To us, this is what we stand for, practice, teach and something we’d love to pass on.
We GROW by:
- Mastering our Inner World (embracing both Shadows & Gifts).
- Aligning to what matters to our Heart.
- Trusting our own path unconditionally.
We shall allow our inner GLOW radiates outwardly to:
- Become our own wisdom teacher.
- Create balance and harmony in relationships.
- Bring positive impacts to our community, society and our children.
Our goal is to guide women to reclaim their inner beauty and power through building a strong heart-mind connection where they feel more peaceful and supported in their everyday life. As we grow to love ourselves more deeply, we allow our children, the future generations to embrace who they‘re meant to be from a place of love and compassion.

Our Promise To Society
The truth is our planet matters. They are the reflection of our inner terrain. Our planet needs us to not only tend and restore Her, but also ourselves – so that we can step into feminine Nature-based leadership from a full and grounded heart. It is our responsibility to actively give back to our mother earth to seed a better environment for future generations.
We support TreeSisters because we strongly echo with the value – “Planetary change starts with personal change”. 7-10% of our net profit will be donated to TreeSisters, whose mission is to rapidly accelerate tropical reforestation by inspiring and empowering feminine Nature-based leadership through a local and global network. They work with world-class planting projects that use ethical planting methods to plant native tree species.
Tropical forests are critical to life on earth and yet are under severe threat from climate change, subsistence agriculture, and corporate interests (mining, logging, broad-scale agriculture, and pasture). We also encourage you to take part in this. Visit at TreeSisters.
In our mainstream society, to secure what we’ve already had, we are conditioned to taking minimal risk and just playing safe in our comfort zone, no matter how that plays out in your romance, relationship, career, or other parts of life. The term “living your life to the fullest” may sound too much of a luxury or cliché.
But, somewhere along the line, we’re giving away our human right – the need to feel inspired, expansive and fulfilled because we’ve learned to fit into society’s mold so well, consciously or unconsciously.
Deep down, we know there’s a missing piece in the puzzle, but we are afraid to take a look at it because facing the unknown or making a change can be scary. Instead, we try to sustain our everyday life while holding on to the pain, even though it hurts, at least it feels familiar.
Living a life that fulfills your heart’s desire is a bold choice, but a liberating one. If there’s someone who can guide you on the path, walk right next to you as your transformation takes its place organically, it wouldn’t feel as overwhelming as you think.
We have far more potential than what we recognize in ourselves. It is absolutely essential to go within to reconnect with our unique gifts, so we can access our personal power to create and live from a place of joy while honoring others to do the same!

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”
– Lucille Ball