The Soul-Aligned WAY
In 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥-𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐀𝐘 (SAW) Program, We’ll dive into your soul’s design and activate your top main soul’s gifts. By taking soul-aligned actions (based on your personal needs that are most authentic to you), you’ll see greater clarity, feel more confident and joy in life!
We strongly encourage you to explore with your childlike innocence when it comes to navigate with your soul’s design & attributes! Play and mix like making your own playground recipe recognizing you are a soul in this divine human body to experience your daily flow.
You’ll learn to lean into your alignment or realignment whenever you feel called to either breakthrough a challenging situation or serve others by trusting your innate soul’s gifts.

Who it is for
🌿 If you’ve already been working on healing negative thought patterns, sabotaging behaviors, emotional wounds or traumas, but still feel off or somehow disempowered in certain areas of your life.
🌿 If you feel a sense of purpose, or a higher calling, but don’t know what to do to step more into your unique presence and struggling with comparison.
🌿 If you’re open to support from your spirit team (I.e., guides, angels, ancestors, higher self), and curious about how to feel more aligned on a day-to-day basis.
What you will receive
🐥 Deep dive into your Soul’s constitution – the makeup of your soul in terms of personality, attributes, and why they’re important parts of who you are. Clarity on what specific energies you will embody to becoming more aligned to your soul, therefore feeling safe and empowered even in the midst of chaos.
🐣 Awareness of your misalignment symptoms (when operating against your soul’s natural makeup) as a wake-up call to anchor you back to your unique soul’s presence. Your inner strength and resilience will be enhanced through practices.
🐣 Strengthened self-trust to connect with your authentic self when taking practical daily soul-aligned actions (based on the Soul-Aligned WAY reading).
“You are free to dance your own WAY – Wildly Authentically YOU.”
– Jen Yang
A Private 4 Week Program
Package includes:
- 60min Soul-Aligned WAY reading (1st session): Remembrance of your your soul’s design (main gifts, personality, attributes, and ways of operating) and how you can integrate into your human experience with practicality. (Your Birth data needed.)
- 3 45-min intuitive sessions – to activate your top main soul’s gifts
- Chakra scans – Your current level of activation of your Soul-Aligned WAY.
- Self-Love radar: Your inner circle spirit guides’ indicator on where you are in terms of potentiality for growth and your soul’s progression throughout the program.
Price: USD999 (Payment Plan available)
If you feel called to explore how to be more Wildly, Authentically You (honoring both your human self & soul’s self), join now!!

love notes
Before working with Jen, I was in a slump even though I am deeply connected inside to my spirituality. I did note I had not recently connected with heart-centered colleagues; my time had recently been focused on an ill family member who needs much physical care.
When Jen taught me my soul’s proclivities and I utilized this knowledge, it immediately helped me re-center as well as rise above circumstances to see the bigger picture. In my case, dancing also helped!
What has changed is I have more tools to use to connect inside and live from my heart and knowing WHILE handling 3D details rather than just using my mind/being outwardly focused.
Working with Jen rocks!, yields many gifts, and you get to connect with her, a gift in itself, because she well knows what it is to be Spirit encased in flesh and she knows how to play (yess, fun!) to open awareness that leads to allowing more fullness of who we are. A deep bow to this Sister.
Prairiewind, Medicine Womyn
I highly recommend Jen’s Soul-Aligned WAY Program. To me, it almost feels like “a before vs. after” in my life right now. Knowing my origin, my essential talents and the natural forms of expression of my soul was healing and I was called to make reconciliation with my being.
Thanks to Jen’s work, I discovered how to love and honor myself more and better and learnt how to take soul-aligned actions and how wonderfully these actions have pleased me.
Doing so actually opened the door of my heart, joy and economical richness. My business started to grow, hand in hand with my increasing confidence and clarity, practicing how creative Source loves to express through me.
Now I feel at peace, fulfilled, joyful, love and blessed.
Thank you so much Jen for sharing your wisdom, your beautiful, loving presence, and encouraging me through the entire process. It’s such a precious way to connect with myself and the relationship with others is also improving!
I believe we all think we know who we are or have a grasp of what motivates us, drives us or makes us happy, but do we really know our soul’s gifts or our soul’s actual way of operating?
Doing this work with Jen has helped me understand and know my soul’s gifts in a more intimate way. A deeper understanding of me in alignment and knowing when I am misaligned or out of alignment with my soul’s gifts – knowing what that looks and feels like and how I relate to myself and others when I am both in and out of alignment.
I understand the symptoms of misalignment very well now and knowing when and if I am in that space and when I see the effects of the misalignment, knowing exactly what to do to get back on track to being aligned with my soul’s design, where I feel most comfortable and free flowing because it is the TRUTH of my soul.
Thank you Jen for this soul work and your support on this journey. This information is helpful to me in that I connect to my soul every day and what gift or gifts I want to access in the day and in each moment I can be consciously aware of where I am in relation to my soul’s essences at all times and to know how to realign myself whenever needed.
“I have known Jen for several years and have been moved by her generosity and powerful leadership. Our interactions allowed me to witness one of her superpowers – listening to others deeply and reflecting back what she learns in such a way that what was unclear before gets clarified and put into words. Jen has the ability to truly see you!
My Soul-Aligned WAY session with Jen turned out to be a significant stepping stone on my journey of evolution and becoming fully myself.
Before our session, I often found myself conflicted inside, doubting my authentic ways of being and creating my business. My tendency was to look outside for the answers and systems that could work and help me grow my work in the world. Yet, I never quite resonated with the methods I found, and felt inadequate as a result, as if there was something wrong with me.
During my session with Jen, I began to see with crystal clarity that all the ways that I am naturally moved into action are the ways for me to embrace and fully trust. She helped me to see what my soul gifts are and how to come into alignment with them! Jen speaks with clarity and makes sure that you fully understand and can begin to integrate and embody the messages of your blueprint.
After our session I noticed how I began to drop the old ways of being and showing up in the world. I gave up trying to fit myself into the moulds that weren’t right for who I am. I now do things the way I most want to do them. As a result, I am energised by my pursuits and actions. I experience a sense of ease and joyfulness and I hear people say how good it feels to be in my space. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I have been given permission to soar!
I wholeheartedly recommend working with Jen. YOU, your life and your business, will be blessed by it!”