Do you often feel lonely, like you’re walking alone in the desert or being alone in an empty room? 🤔

How do you deal with this void?


We long to be seen, heard, and ultimately, to be understood. 🐥 Same as everyone else, the little human in me has been yearning to be understood since… well, who knows when!

For countless times in the past, I couldn’t help but ponder: Why do I feel so alone even when surrounded by people?

As I delved into the field of mediumship years ago, the matter of loneliness began to reveal itself even more clearly. 🙏


We enter this world alone and will depart alone, no scientific backup needed.

Upon arrival, we leave the Divine’s country, the land of ONE, and enter the realm of others: family, siblings, our mother’s arms.

But truth be told, not all of us entered this reality into friendly arms.

Some of us know the feeling of separation right from the get-go. Being disappointed, even feeling abandoned, tarnished by the ones we thought who were supposed to be “there” for us, can eventually set us up for relationship lessons. 😳


If the original imprint you received was challenging and you didn’t experience true love as a child, it may become difficult to bond or find genuine connections as an adult. Searching for love in all the wrong places only disappoints and exacerbates feelings of loneliness.


Having been dominated by the people-pleasing pattern for most of my life, my default setting was to ensure others’ needs were met, expecting a sense of belongingness in return, which, of course, didn’t work out well.

It took me time to realize that even when spending quality time with those I deeply care about, it’s no one’s obligation to alleviate my loneliness.


The pain of indescribable aloneness serves as a reminder that it’s safe to reconnect with the void within (the prenatal memory of our mother’s dark, warm womb space), and our job is not to judge our emotional experience.

Perhaps you feel lonely right there in the middle of your world as you’re going through different transitions in life. What a brave but vulnerable place to be in!


Instead of seeking to create a more eventful social life externally, I dare to invite you to do the opposite: carve out time for solitude and set the intention to make your inner little kiddo feel safe in your gentle, caring presence. 💕

Notice the interaction between you two and how they express themselves as they receive your tender love.


While we enjoy being in our social animal zone to feel part of a group or community, listen to your intuition, my friend.

Sometimes, perceived loneliness is just a stepping stone to help you reconnect with what you truly need inside.

Your soul is madly in love with the human YOU. That, I am pretty sure! 🥰


“Even if you can’t feel it, you are Never really alone. You’re Always being surrounded by Love.” — Jen Yang


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