My Blogs

7 Steps to Heal Your Guilt and Shame

7 Steps to Heal Your Guilt and Shame

Who never makes mistakes in the past?  Me, countless!  Probably something I've said or done to others (or even myself) that I felt bad or regretful about, but the damage can hardly be undone.  And then I punished myself for causing the story. Guilt and...

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4 Ways to Minimize the Regret Factors

4 Ways to Minimize the Regret Factors

When it comes to dealing with situations that didn't quite go your way, it can be almost impossible not to hold onto regrets. You replay the scenario over and over in your mind, thinking of what you would've changed.  Sound familiar? Truth be told, perfectionism...

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Top 5 Reasons Why I Let Go of My Perfectionism

Top 5 Reasons Why I Let Go of My Perfectionism

When I first arrived to Japan in my ealy 20's, I was so much in awe of the absolute dedication with innovation, aesthetics & tidiness. Taxi doors open themselves automatically (and the drivers nicely suited up with kind greeting tonality). High-tech design with...

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4 Ways to Deal with Loneliness and Feeling Lost

4 Ways to Deal with Loneliness and Feeling Lost

Who Are You?! Have you ever wondered? Imagine you have that little go-to box where you can find many "labels" you can use to attach onto yourself so it "makes sense" when relating to human society. I got my own set of labels too, lol. "Born in Taiwan, grew up in the...

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Led by Your Timeline & Connect the Dots

Led by Your Timeline & Connect the Dots

Looking out the window, Looking out the window, drinking CHOYA (my favorite Japanese plum wine) while writing this blog post (6:12 pm), I found myself slightly buzzed.  As I closed my eyes and just let that tipsy feeling take me back to September 20th, 2013...

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Hello I’m Jen!

Personal transformation mentor, psychic intuitive, author, an absolute advocate for self-love and a rebel at heart!

I work with highly sensitive beings, mostly women to help them tap into intuitive soul’s gifts so they get to trust their decision making power in different transition in life.

My passion is to empower women to hone in their innate gifts to step into their leadership and authenticity with confidence and trust.

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