There’s no single, right path, only the willingness to explore what is unfolding ahead ~ Jen Y.

Afraid of making the wrong decision? Is there ever “the right decision?”

How many conscious choices do we make in a day in relationship to our life path I wonder… So I asked ChatGPT about it. 😂
And here it goes with its clear rationale:

1. Choices per Hour x Hours per Day = Total Choices per Day
2. For instance, if you make 10 choices every hour and you’re awake for 16 hours a day, then your total choices per day would be 160 (10 x 16).
3. Total Choices per Day x 365 Days = Total Choices per Year
4. Using the same example as above, if you make 160 choices every day, then your total choices per year would be 58,400 (160 x 365).
5. Total Choices per Year x Time Span = Life Path
6. The life path is a function of the total choices we make over time. So, if you continue to make 58,400 choices per year, your life path will be determined by the number of years you make these choices. For instance, if you make these choices for 50 years, your life path will be 2,920,000 (58,400 x 50).

Of course, these are just theoretical equations and the actual number of choices we make per day and per year can vary greatly depending on our circumstances.

The fear of making the wrong decision can feel paralyzing at times. It can trigger your deepest insecurity, especially when the stakes are high.

For me, one of the life-altering decisions was leaving the corporate world. I knew deep down that it wasn’t where my heart was, but I was terrified of taking the leap of faith. What if I failed? What if I couldn’t support myself? These questions plagued me, and I felt completely stuck and lost.

Not till I was unexpectedly forced to make the decision in my mid 30’s to leave the IT industry (due to my near-deaf experience), I had no options other than facing the fear of the unknown head on. In fact, it took me a long time to trust my own decision-making power. ⛵️

My head was telling me that I was crazy to make such a drastic change, but my intuition was pulling me in a polar opposite direction. I had to learn to trust that illogical voice in me which made almost no sense but it knew what it was doing and trying to guide me towards the new territory. I wish I could say that once I made the decision to follow my heart, everything fell into place flawlessly. But that wasn’t how the story went.

While navigating my path, there’ve been times that I lost faith and doubted my inner knowing. Simultaneously, I was brought to my knees over & over again by countless unexplainable events and profound synchronicities that left me speechless and dumbfounded. I was only shown how much I was resisting to trust the greater intelligence at play. Very humbling to my human self.

Here are a few gentle reminders to stay grounded and not let your fears influence you, especially when faced with a decision or a crossroads in life.


1. Go Beyond Analysis Paralysis

Being on the “heart path” or feeling soul-aligned doesn’t mean you’ll get a golden pass to the rest of your life. Sometimes, you still find yourself encountering many challenges and obstacles if not more than the pre-awakening stage.

When indecisiveness or doubt kicks in, it’s normal to get caught up in the mental dilemma of “Oh if I go down this way, then I’ll waste these times and lose these resources, then I’ll end up regretting big time…” We worry so much about the unfolding and assume it’ll cause troubles or go terribly wrong.

But when we ease into the truth of it, it’ll never be a waste. And even if all we learn is “ok, that’s not for me,” it’s still a very valuable lesson!



2. Trust Your Intuitive Guidance Within

Even if things don’t go perfectly or smoothly, it doesn’t mean you made the wrong decision. There’ll be “surprises” that you either resonate with or or not, but you’ll never know that until you start choosing to go down a path, right?

Your intuition may not always lead you down the easiest or most predictable route in life, but it’ll surely take you to where you need to be. Now I trust that deeply. We can still course correct if something doesn’t feel right.

We’re the accumulation of thousands of choices. Big and small. Whether you love where you are or not, look back on how far you’ve come. Life has supported you all the way up to this day. Why not from this point on?



3. Stay Present Enough to not Fall into Ego Mind’s Tactics

Of course, learning to trust life does take courage since most of us were told to do the opposite by micro-managing the unpredictables, controlling the risk factors to prevent any hazard. We weren’t trained nor taught to relax in unknown situations that’s full of ambiguity because that wouldn’t make any sense to our survival brain. 🧠👀

But the mindset of constantly trying to dodge a bullet from life’s wild cards 24/7 most likely will not only give you more anxiety, but drain your life force if you’re not aware of it.

So instead of second guessing ourselves with the questions of “𝙄𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚,” what if our job is to learn to keep inviting ourselves to feel relaxed inside every time when a decision is being made? 

Don’t get seduced by your mental chatter to buy into irrational fears based on the pain of the past or the uncontrollable of the future. Our ego mind thrives on fear-based thinking.

Ego doesn’t like too much to stay in the present. Ego loves to hold you hostage via pain of the past or the fear of the future because it gives power to the separation consciousness. That’s ego’s purpose and mission is to make you focus on what can possibly go wrong, so you’re distracted and worried. But your soul knows its wholeness.

Set a clear intention to be as present as possible. Whenever you catch yourself overthinking, put your hand on your heart, take 3 deep breaths in and feel your heart beating for you. There, within the sacred space of your heart, you want to reaffirm yourself slowly but solidly: “𝙄’𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝. 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨.”

Feel into a sense of groundedness in your body as you soften your heart space. Knowing deeply that you’ve done your part and it’s ok to release what is no longer yours to carry, let the rest be taken care of by the cosmo itself.

Sounds simple? It does take practice to soothe our nervous system so our sanity doesn’t easily get hijacked. Is it worth it? Absolutely 💯!



We all sign up for the “Surrender experiment” this lifetime where we get to transform our fear-based thought patterns into more faith-based connection with ourselves and the Universe, the divine (however way you relate to the higher above).

And what’s guaranteed is there’ll be a gradual increase in our self-trust bank account with the growing capacity to respond to situations. Give your journey more credit, embrace the unpredictability of life. Focus on doing your best in the now and let the rest be shown to you. What the worst? As you know what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. ❤️😆🎢


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