5 Steps to Manifest Soulfully

5 Steps to Manifest Soulfully

We are all natural manifestors this lifetime.  Each thought we create in our mind vibrates at its own energy flow that attracts its likeness (e.g., experiences, things, relationships).  A simple example, say if you have this huge craving for a cup of hot...
Grow Your Letting-Go Muscle

Grow Your Letting-Go Muscle

If you have the daily habit to take a shower and brush your teeth to keep your body clean, then cleaning out the mind cannot be excluded.  Letting go is not just a general saying of “let’s forget about it,” nor it’s a sneaky scheme to escape from the past so we...
3 Key Questions to Unravel Your Authenticity

3 Key Questions to Unravel Your Authenticity

Just a wild thought: If anyone can just grab a bottled-up vitamin drink called “Self-Confidence” in the Health Food aisle, I believe it’d be sold out in less than 30 seconds.  A sip of that magic potion, we get to unleash all our hidden potentials and pursue...
5 Benefits of Embracing the Unknown

5 Benefits of Embracing the Unknown

Living in the modern left-brained society where instant gratification is honored, and patience is overlooked, it’s easy to get constantly stuck in the tug-of-war between the logical brain and the emotional brain when facing uncertainty on a daily basis.  It can...

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